In an industry where secrecy is often paramount, even the biggest names can slip up. This time, it’s Sony who accidentally provided an early glimpse of an unannounced stratagem for the eagerly anticipated Helldivers 2. The leak, spotted by sharp-eyed Helldivers on Reddit, came from an official marketing email sent out by Sony, the publisher of the game.
The email was intended to highlight a recent in-game campaign where players chose to liberate the planet Penta and unlock the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher. However, the accompanying image raised eyebrows. It depicted a Helldiver with a rocket launcher that didn’t match the RL-77 description. Instead, the image showed a rocket launcher that no current Helldiver had seen before: a quad-barreled launcher resembling the M202 FLASH, famously wielded by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Commando.
This new launcher bears a striking resemblance to the MLS-4X Commando, a quad-barreled rocket launcher stratagem from the original Helldivers. While the MLS-4X lacked incendiary rounds, there’s speculation that its potential successor in Helldivers 2 might include them, adding a new and exciting element to the game’s arsenal.
The question remains: Was this an honest mistake with Sony mixing up its .png files, or is it a deliberate teaser from Arrowhead Studios, the developer behind Helldivers 2? With mechs making a return from the first game, there is a precedent for older elements reappearing in new forms. For players facing the formidable Illuminate faction, any additional firepower, especially one as impressive as a long-range incendiary launcher, would be more than welcome.
Whether intentional or not, this leak has certainly stoked the excitement for Helldivers 2, as fans eagerly await more information about the game’s new stratagems and weaponry.